Serenay Moon Process Page |
Where you can find all the projects we are busy with. And, if you are lucky, you can even find a date (when it's supposed to be finished or get online) here!
The Serenay Moon Process Page is part of the Serenay Moon Website. |
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Kitty Ocean
Website owner, writer, artist
Rocket Stevo
Writer, artist
Tiamat Dragon
Artist (art and comics)
Demitri Scaramanga
Writer, artist (movies, comics)
Friday, August 30, 2002
Updated: 7th of January 2004
When it's not here, I have finished it!
Things Kitty Ocean is busy with:
Serenay Moon related:
~Typing new profiles (Gonna redo that again =P)
~Creating more Twinkies, Gamesprites, Dolls and UFO's (about 40% done; UFO are dolls 100% made by me!!!)
~Serenay Moon Planet X - A Serenay Moon/ Sailor Planet X Crossover (with Togepi)
~ Secret Project =P
Future Plans
~Serenay Moon KissDoll
~Serenay Moon Specials
~Serenay Moon (World) Art (always busy with that either!)
~Serenay Moon Diagrams and/ or How-to-draws (more done...)
~Serenay Moon Neo Soldiers (nothing written yet)
~Serenay Moon x BlackOut (with Uumie)
~Serenay Moon Quizzes (about 3 quizzes left; 2 personality; 1 wrong/false quiz)
Not Serenay Moon related
~Forever Young (84 episodes done)
~Maryoku II (Dutch; 4/26)
~Doing promissed art (Dark Fyres (4), TPAMS (about 5 left))
~Homework (Waaaaaaay behind)
~Trying to get some sleep
posted by Kitty Ocean 7:41 AM
The data on this website such as text, pictures, graphics, graphic material, (trade)names, logo's, brands are owned or licensed by Kitty Ocean, Rocket Stevo, Tiamat and Demitiri Scaramanga and are protected by copyright, trademark law and or any other intellectual property rights. The aforementioned rights are by no means transferred to anyone visiting this site.
Serenay Moon is copyrighted 2001-2002. Nothing from this site may be duplicated (or taken for commercial use) without written permission of all authors. If you are not sure, please contact us |