Serenay Moon Process Page

Where you can find all the projects we are busy with. And, if you are lucky, you can even find a date (when it's supposed to be finished or get online) here!
The Serenay Moon Process Page is part of the
Serenay Moon Website.

Version 2.0
'Blue Moon Melodies'





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Kitty Ocean
Website owner, writer, artist

Rocket Stevo
Writer, artist

Tiamat Dragon
Artist (art and comics)

Demitri Scaramanga
Writer, artist (movies, comics)

Friday, March 04, 2005

This blog isn't really used any more. Plus, it needs a new layout. Anyway, the news:

~ Stevo and I are working on Season 4. My guess is, that since we are both overloaded with college, Neo Soldiers will have a small chance of existance. But, maybe, in the future....
~ Demitri Scaramanga is working on Fantasy Paradox
~ Tiamat is... just Tiamat XD. Not much new from her.
~ I finally decided to work on my oldest story ever: Forever Young. It's growing slowly! I hope to have the site running around July, or maybe end of August (depends on when I go on vacation and I will have a guest the beginning of August. 2 guests hopefully)
~ Anime Sultan aka J.A. aka J. Alford still thinks it's okay to copy each and every image we hold in our gallery and post them on his own site, even though the copyright notice clearly says we DO NOT WANT THAT. So, since he's such an asshole, we can only hope the message will go through his thick skull , by posting more and more personal information about him with each theft. In the past our personal thief enjoyed my kindness of staying into anonymity (is that how you spell it?) but my patience has limits as well. Besides, I'm not accusing him falsely. I'm just stating who on the net has the nerve to take our art. If he doesn't respect us, why should we respect him?

I guess that's the latest news... I should blog more.
posted by Kitty Ocean 12:50 PM

The data on this website such as text, pictures, graphics, graphic material, (trade)names, logo's, brands are owned or licensed by Kitty Ocean, Rocket Stevo, Tiamat and Demitiri Scaramanga and are protected by copyright, trademark law and or any other intellectual property rights. The aforementioned rights are by no means transferred to anyone visiting this site.
Serenay Moon is copyrighted 2001-2002. Nothing from this site may be duplicated (or taken for commercial use) without written permission of all authors. If you are not sure, please
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